Once again it’s time for the annual Singing Saturday, November 16 from 10 am until 3 pm. Due to the damage from Hurricane Helene, we will be moving the event this year. Our neighbors at the Church of the Holy Spirit have opened their doors to us this year. We are grateful to be able to share their lovely space! The street address of the church is:
433 Bone Camp Rd, Marshall, NC 28753
This is in between Marshall and Mars Hill.
Saturday, November 16 from 10:00 am – 3:00 PM at the Church of the Holy Spirit
The new reprint of the shaped-note songbook, Christian Harmony, will be used at this all day singing at Madison County Arts Center, 90 S. Main Street, downtown Marshall. “There will be loaner books available, and folks bring dishes to share for ‘dinner on the grounds’,” event host Laura Boosinger says. “We expect to have singers from several states. You can come and listen but it’s better when you join in. It’s that kind of event.”
The Christian Harmony is a collection of primarily religious songs with deep roots in the American soil and in the North Carolina mountains. It was compiled and first published by South Carolina singing school master William Walker in 1867 and revised by him shortly before his death in 1875. Its contents echo through time and reflect some of the earliest musical traditions of America.
While there are those who see every song as a sermon, there are just as many singers who just love the folk music roots of the music and the way it makes history come alive. You can learn more about this style of singing at www.ChristianHarmony1863.org. To learn more about the event call 828-649-1301 or visit www.madisoncountyarts.com. This event is free and open to the public.