Hidden away from view until you’ve driven up, down, and around a half-mile of dirt driveway, Sims Country Bar-B-Que is suddenly revealed as you crest a gentle open ridge. Beneath a grove of huge trees that stand clustered on the edge of a board, grassy slope sits a large rustic, meandering building that can accommodate more than three hundred people. There are many things to do at this place, which is part restaurant, part park, part music stage and part dance center.
Make your way along the Back Roads to the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina and discover this mighty fine bar-b-que restaurant and dance hall near Granite Falls, NC.
For a set price (one price for adults, less for children), patrons get the all-you-can-eat buffet, served cafeteria style. There’s a full evening ahead of you when you visit Sims, eating more tasty barbecue than you should, drinking lots of iced tea, meeting and socializing with nice people, listening to hours of fine bluegrass and old-time music and watching – and perhaps participating in – lively mountain dancing.
Round out your visit to Sims by exploring these nearby towns and attractions.