This community music festival is held in Moratock Park, named after the ruins of the Civil War-era Moratock Iron Furnace. The longest running arts council sponsored event in North Carolina, the Stokes Stomp is held annually along the banks of the beautiful Dan River at Moratock Park. The event features local bluegrass, Americana, and blues music, a high-school marching band competition, and a parade.
Some festival goers watch the event from the grassy hillside that’s located next to the stage. Others enjoy food from vendors, siting under the wooden shelter that hosts the Royce Memorial Bluegrass jam during the summer. Visitors can browse through the tents of craft vendors that are set up to the left of the stage. During the warmest part of the day, you can cool off by taking a dip in the Dan River, which slowly meanders through the park.
Entertainment schedule for 2020 TBD.