Summer is the time to hit the road to great music along the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina. Recently fourteen partners joined in a two-week promotion of the music at their venues on Road Trippin’, a production of WLOS TV in Asheville.
Take a look at these videos and you’ll find a reason to grab your car keys and head out on your own road trip along the Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina.
Wilkes Heritage Museum – Home of the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame
Bluff Mountain Festival – Great bluegrass music, local arts, food & beautiful setting at this mountain festival.
Bryson City, Music in the Mountains – A free concert series at the historic depot held the 1st Saturday from June – Oct.
Concerts on the Creek in Downtown Sylva – Summer long outdoor series each Friday night.
Earl Scruggs Center – This center celebrates the life & story of this legendary 5-string banjo master.
Historic Downtown Lenoir – Music is everywhere from the downtown streets of the main city Lenoir to Happy Valley!
Cherokee Homestead Exhibit – Site of the Cherokee Heritage Festival & open air exhibit depicting life ca. 1650-1750.
Backstreet Park Concert Series in Ashe County – Experience the best in traditional music all summer long!
Waynesville Street Dances – These street dances feature live mountain music, demos and instruction by local cloggers.
The Orchard at Altapass – 106 year old apple orchard and award winning Appalachian Culture Center.
Stecoah Valley Cultural Arts Center – Home to an artisan gallery, summer concert series, festivals and programs.
Mountain Dance and Folk Festival and Shindig on the Green – Home of nation's longest running folk festival and free concert series.
High Country of Western North Carolina – Celebrate traditional mountain music from Grandfather Mountain to Friday night jam at Crossnore in Avery County.
Yadkin Cultural Arts Center – Venue for artists of all types and a place where audinces will be exposed to the best.